Hollywood has made a lot of money off of spandex-wearing heroes, but not every spin-off superhero enterprise is a good thing for Tinseltown, which is also a major tourist destination.  As CBS Channel 2 in Los Angeles reports, a group of panhandling costumed superheroes got into territorial dispute in front of the Dolby Theater on Hollywood Boulevard.  Punches were thrown and it appears that a Captain America bloodied Spider-Man’s nose.  Things might have even gotten worse if the guy who was running the Madame Tussaud’s kiosk hadn't stepped in.

From the report it appears that the dispute resulted from an overpopulation of costumed heroes whose superheroic crime-fighting mission is hitting up tourists for “tips.”  In fact, if one of nylon-draped civilians is to be believed, some of these Hollywood Boulevard heroes were attempting to extort a $20 gratuity from every tourist they could corner.
This sort of bizarre superhero panhandling activity on Hollywood Boulevard is nothing new.  It was the subject of 2010 movie Confessions of a Superhero that helped raise public awareness, and costumed panhandling was banned in 2010 when local authorities adopted a "Zorro Tolerance Policy."  Apparently that plan worked about as well as the zero tolerance for drugs policy at Hollywood High.