Written by Chris Roberson (The Shadow, Masks, iZombie) and drawn by Jonathan Lau (The Bionic Man, Peter Cannon: Thunderbolt, Green Hornet), Codename Action #1 will include several variant covers by Jae Lee, Francesco Francavilla, Johnny Desjardins, and Art Balthazar. Set during the Cold War, Codename: Action finds the heroes teaming up to combat a global conspiracy.
Introduced as an action figure in 1966 to rival G.I. Joe, Captain Action first made the transition into comic books in 1968 when DC Comics licensed the character from Ideal. Although the series only lasted five issues, the roster of talent included Jim Shooter, Wally Wood, Irv Novick, Gil Kane, and Dick Giordano.
Captain Action Enterprises has been producing action figures and costume sets (see "'Captain Action' Beats 'Walking Dead'"), and Moonstone has published comics both with the character on his own and paired with The Phantom (see "'The Phantom Meets Captain Action"). The property is in development as an animated series (see "Captain Action Gets a Lady for Animated Series").
--Nathan Wilson