Gen Con News: At Gen Con, Steve Jackson Games announced that it will produce a
Munchkin: Adventure Time card game in partnership with USAopoly for release in the summer of 2014. USAopoly announced its
Adventure Time license back in February (see "
'Pacific Rim,' 'Jurassic Park,' 'Adventure Time,' 'Monsuno' Licenses Announced").
This is just the latest expansion of the wide-ranging
Munchkin line; just last month Steve Jackson announced three new
Munchkin games including
Munchkin: Pathfinder (see "
Three New 'Munchkin' Releases").

'Munchkin AdventureTime' at the USAopoly Booth at Gen Con
Created by Pendleton Ward,
Adventure Time, one of most popular cartoon series on the Cartoon Network, has already spawned a very popular series of graphic novels from Boom Studios (see "
'Adventure Time' Is #1 GN in May").

'Munchkin Adventure Time' Banner @ SJG Booth Sunday