The Cartoon Network is burying the failed animated series Beware the Batman by airing the show’s unseen final 15 episodes at 3 a.m. as part of the "night owl" version of the Adult Swim Toonami block.  The CGI-animated Beware the Batman series premiered on the CN last July as part of the DC Nation block and eleven episodes aired without incident (and one would guess with less than stellar reactions from viewers) until the series was pulled from the schedule without warning or explanation on October 23, 2013 and replaced by an additional episode of Teen Titans Go
According to IGN, the Beware the Batman series will start a new run on Saturday May 10th with the first episode airing a 3 a.m. (ET, PT).  The series will be then shown in order with one episode airing early every Saturday morning.  The unaired episodes (#’s 12-26) will air weekly starting on Saturday, July 27th at 3 a.m. 
The highly stylized Beware the Batman series is set during Bruce Wayne’s first years as the Batman and gives more than the usual prominence to Alfred Pennyworth, Wayne’s butler, who mentors Batman as the Caped Crusader hones his crime-fighting skills.  Alfred’s goddaughter Tatsu Yamashiro (aka Katana) also has a prominent role in Beware the Batman.
Two of the unaired episodes of Beware the Batman have already been issued on DVD (see "DVD Round-Up: 'Game of Thrones,' 'BSG,' 'Dark Man,' & 'Beware the Batman'").