Customers subscribe to the Loot Crate service for terms from one to six months at a time (with auto-renewal), at prices from $11.67 to $13.37 per month, plus $6 shipping and handling. Loot Crate selects six to eight products around a theme each month, and ships them to each subscriber with no advance notice of the shipment’s contents.
Crate contents range from cutting edge trendy (the last two Crates were themed around manga/anime hit Attack on Titan and Pendleton Ward web series Bravest Warriors) to more retro or humorous (a recent Crate included a WizKids Star Wars Pocketmodel pack, something like this, see "'Star Wars Ground Assault'").
It seems to be a concept that’s caught on; it’s already generating revenue at an $18 million annual rate (not including the shipping and handling charges). And manufacturers and publishers looking for a way to connect with a geek audience are seeing Crates as a way to get samples of their products in the hands of 100,000 committed geeks, which can undoubtedly help with pricing.
The company is not taking the next step, however; the Loot Crate spokesperson said that at this point, the company does not charge fees for including goods in its Crates. With the benefits of scale and the purchasing power of over 100,000 pre-sold customers, it doesn’t have to.