VIZ Media announced at Anime Central today that it has acquired the Sailor Moon anime franchise. VIZ will release all 200 episodes of the series uncut and uncensored, include the fifth and final "Sailor Stars" season, which has never been licensed in North America, beginning with a subtitled streaming option this month, and a DTO and home media release to follow. VIZ confirmed that the three feature films (Sailor Moon R, Sailor Moon S, and Sailor Moon SuperS) and the specials are also part of the acquisition.
The VIZ Sailor Moon release will be newly created from the Japanese remaster, with new translations for the subtitles. The presentation will be in the original uncropped 4:3 aspect ratio, and will include use of all the original Japanese names, story elements, and relationships.
VIZ will also create a new dubbed version of the complete series later this year, with a voice cast to be announced.
The streaming will begin with Sailor Moon episodes 1-4 (subtitled), beginning Monday, May 19th, on both and Hulu Plus. Two new episodes will then be released every Monday. Subtitled download-to-own versions will be released beginning this summer.
VIZ will also release DVD and deluxe limited edition Blu-ray/DVD combo packs, which will be available in half-season sets, this fall. Both formats will include both subbed and dubbed dialogue tracks.
Kodansha’s relaunched Sailor Moon manga is already the #1 shojo manga property in the U.S. (see "Top 10 Shojo Properties--Fall/Holidays 2013"), and the availability of the anime in otaku-friendly uncut versions is only going to raise interest in the brand.
VIZ also confirmed the complete acquisition of the anime franchise will include the new Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Crystal series, which is digitally debuting this July (see "New 'Sailor Moon' Debut Set").
Uncut Release Will Include 'Sailor Stars' S5
Posted by ICv2 on May 16, 2014 @ 4:55 pm CT
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