In spite of some earlier reports to the contrary, Comic artist George Perez, whose JLA/Avengers crossover has been one of 2003's biggest hits, is staying at CrossGen Comics. Although Perez did say that he is 'entertaining freelance offers,' he will continue to work at CrossGen and plans to draw a two-issue stand-alone mini-series, scheduled for the summer of 2004. Perez will continue to receive insurance benefits from CrossGen, but he won't be accepting any payment for the work he does for CrossGen over the next year. Perez characterizes his actions this way, 'This is my small way of helping out CrossGen in particular and the comics industry in general for all the blessings that have been heaped on me during the last three decades...This decision was prompted by my desire to show my support for Mark Alessi and for a company that has been nothing but generous and respectful to me. And I have great confidence that the company will indeed turn itself around.'
Issues Statements On His Website
Posted by ICv2 on October 5, 2003 @ 11:00 pm CT

Showbiz Round-up
March 31, 2025
April is around the corner, and Hollywood news is getting warmer. Time for a round-up!
'BattleTech Gothic,' 'Aces,' 'Partha Wars'
March 31, 2025
At AdeptiCon, we heard about BattleTech Gothic, Aces, Leviathans, and Partha Wars.
Auction Week Bankruptcy Round-Up
March 31, 2025
It was an eventful week in the Diamond Comic Distributors bankruptcy last week, and we round up the latest developments here.
From DC Comics
March 30, 2025
The Man of Steel takes a major step forward in his legacy and faces his greatest nemesis in Superman #25, on sale April 23.