The innovative series of short films featuring comedian Jerry Seinfeld and Superman and soft selling the American Express card made their debut on the Web today, and both Seinfeld and the Man of Steel were on hand at the Today Show studio for an interview with Matt Lauer.  Lauer, Seinfeld and an animated Superman (voiced by the Tick's Patrick Warburton) were sitting on a couch discussing the new spots when several comic book-related topics were addressed.  The Man of Steel indicated that he was no slacker, pointing to his participation in a new and different Superman comic book that hits the store shelves every week, a sentiment that Seinfeld seconded. 


The 'Death of Superman' was also discussed.  Seinfeld said that when Superman found out about and flew to see him in the Bahamas, 'He was so upset, he was as red as that cape.'  Supes explained how he had been brought back, with general relief that the episode was over. 


Only one of the series of short films featuring Seinfeld and Superman is currently available on the American Express Website.  Directed by veteran feature film helmer Barry Levinson, the short is low key and amusing as Jerry and the Man of Steel banter back and forth in much the same way that Seinfeld did with George Costanza on his long-running eponymous sitcom.  The long form, low-key commercials represent an attempt by American Express to reach the hip young audience that loathes reality TV (which Seinfeld pointedly criticizes) and has apparently deserted network television for greener pastures thanks to the Internet, video games, and DVDs (see 'Seinfeld & Superman: Together Again').