Top Cow Productions has announced the August launch of Humankind, a new monthly comic book series created, written and penciled by Tony Daniel. According to Top Cow Editor-in-Chief Jim McLauchlin, 'Humankind is our next staple book alongside Witchblade and Darkness. Tony's work is fantastic, he has already penciled several issues of this title and it's amazing stuff. When it comes to hulking monsters, slick robots, and cool sci-fi worlds, Tony is the Master.' The new monthly comic follows the adventures of a detective who works in the 'Human Crimes' Division of a police force in a heavily populated gothic city on the planet Thera.
Top Cow will ship the first issue of Humankind with three regular covers, one by Tony Daniel, one by Marc Silvestri, and one by Greg Land. A fourth sketch cover incentive book will be available only for advance ticket holders of the Wizard World Chicago convention this August, where Humankind will debut.