Media Blasters is preparing to release the complete DVD collection of the Samurai Deeper Kyo anime, while at the same time drastically lowering the cost of the Complete Berserk TV DVD Collection (originally released late last year). The two six-disk sets will be available in November release and should generate considerable interest during the holidays. Both of these samurai-themed anime series are based on very popular manga titles -- Dark Horse and Digital Manga publish the popular Berserk manga in the U.S., while Tokyopop has released the highly successful Samurai Deeper Kyo manga.
The Berserk Complete Collection, which is rated 18+ for its extreme graphic violence, will have a new MSRP of just $89.95 versus the box set's original cost of $139.95. The Samurai Deeper Kyo Complete Collection (650 minutes, rated 13+) comes in the cool wooden box that was also available with the first Samurai Deeper Kyo DVD release. The six-disk Samurai Deeper Kyo Complete Collection has an MSRP of $149.95.