Based on the performance of the first volume of the Tokyopop manga series, Kingdom Hearts, ICv2 placed the series at #16 on the list of 'Top 50 Manga Properties' in the latest Retailers Guide to Anime/Manga, and noted that it was 'one of the top series to debut during 2005.' The second volume, which hit retail on January 10, has done even better although its performance has been obscured because it was listed on the children's book list, rather than on the graphic novel chart. If Kingdom Hearts Vol. 2 had been listed on the graphic novel chart it would have been in second place for the past two weeks.
Retailers looking for graphic novels that will appeal to younger readers should not ignore Kingdom Hearts, which is based on the popular Square Enix/Disney video game and therefore has great name recognition with its target audience. The cross-cultural storyline mixes the adventures of three storm-tossed teens with the travails of stalwarts from the Disney Kingdom such as Court Wizard Donald Duck and Captain Goofy. The manga character designs blend perfectly with the classic look of the Disney characters and the storylines have strong appeal to pre-teen and early-teen target audience.