Naruto Vol. 10 remained on top of the BookScan list of graphic novels sold in bookstores for the week ending on June 25th and all ten volumes of the hyper-popular series were in the top 17. Viz had nine out of the top ten with six volumes of Naruto, Full Metal Alchemist Vol. 8 at #2, Death Note Vol. 6 at #3, and the final volume of Rurouni Kenshin (#28) at #4. The second book in Tokyopop's hit shojo series Loveless came in at number nine. Viz had two shojo series in the top 20 -- Fushigi Yugi Genbu Kaiden Vol. 4 at #14 and Full Moon o Sagashite Vol. 6 at #18.
Fred Gallagher's Megatokyo Vol. 4, now published by DC/CMX, debuted at #19, and appears ready to reclaim its title as the most popular OEL (original English language) manga. Alison Bechdel Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic, which clearly benefited from a glowing review in the N.Y. Times Book Review on June 18th, was the only non-manga title in the top 20. The only other non-manga volumes in the top 50 were Jeph Loeb's Superman/Batman Collector's Set at #23 and Alan Moore's V for Vendetta at #41.