DC Comics has created an 8-page comic story for Schwab Learning, which will be inserted into one million DC Comics for younger readers in November, and also released as a stand-alone book to be distributed by Schwab. Schwab Learning is a program of the Charles and Helen Schwab Foundation to help families of kids with learning and attention problems.
The comic story, by Marc Sumerak (story), Todd Nauck (pencils), Lary Stucker (inks), and Heroic Age (colors), will follow Sara Hunter, who has dyslexia, in an adventure with the Teen Titans. The comic will lead to a follow-up story on Sparktop.org, a Schwab Website for kids 8-12 with learning disabilities.
The first of the one million DC comics with the inserts will street November 1st. Schwab will also receive 150,000 copies of the stand-alone comics to be used as outreach tools.
This program is part of a much larger relationship between Schwab Learning and several Time Warner divisions, including Time for Kids, Sports Illustrated for Kids, People, and AOL.