Broccoli will release the first volume in the E's manga, by Satol Yuiga, in January.  E's is a 12-volume shojo science fiction series that shares some major themes with X-Men.  Set in a world that is prejudiced against Espers, psychically-gifted teens join Ashurum, a organization that they believe was set up to save those who are victims of prejudice and hate, but eventually they discover that Ashurum may have other goals as society teeters toward a civil war between 'normals' and Espers. 


The E's manga inspired a 26-episode anime series, E's Otherwise, that ran in Japan in 2003-2004.  ADV has released the E's Otherwise anime in the U.S. (a thinpak E's Otherwise Complete Edition is due out in December with an MSRP of $59.98).


Ms. Yuiga has published several other manga series in Japan including Laz Meridian and Seventh Saga.  E's is the first of her titles to be published in the U.S.  Volume One (cover price $9.99) in the series is due for release on January 10th and will carry an age rating of 16+.