A retailer programming track will once again be provided in conjunction with Dragon-Con in Atlanta over Labor Day weekend.  This programming is co-sponsored by Dragon-Con and the Game and Comics Industry Network (sponsor of the Game Industry Forum on Delphi).  GCIN manager D.P. 'Vern' Vernazzarro is again the Director of STARS programming.


The programming will consist of educational seminars, open roundtables, manufacturer presentations and the Game Industry Forum Live.  Dave Wallace, owner of the Fantasy Shop chain in Missouri, returns as a very popular speaker.


The show will also feature the debut of the Retailer Resources booth with programming schedules, retailer identification ribbons for badges, Dave Wallace's retailer handbook, reference materials, supplies and information helpful to retailers.


Here's the event schedule:


Panel Title


Holistic Design STARS Retailer Product Promotional Seminar

8/30/02 4:00pm

Bottom Line

8/31/02 10:00am

Customer Service

8/31/02 11:30 am

Games Workshop Retailer Seminar

8/31/02 1:00pm

Meet the Manufacturers

8/31/02 2:30pm


8/31/02 4:00pm

Running In-Store Demos

8/31/02 5:30pm

Human Resources

9/1/02 10:00am


9/1/02 11:30am

Retailer Roundtable

9/1/02 1:00pm

Multiple Stores

9/1/02 2:30pm

Game Industry Forum Live/Industry Roundtable

9/1/02 4:00pm

Manufacturer Presentations

9/1/02 5:30pm


For more information contact Dragon*Con at dragoncon.org or STARS Director DP Vernazzarro directly at advknight@cox.net or at (478) 477-7540.