Days of Wonder has announced the September release of Fictionaire, a new card quiz game by Herve Marly, which provides a fresh twist to the classic “dictionary” game. In the game, which is designed for from 4-7 players, participants make up a fake answer or a bogus definition for a word or question asked by the game’s host. To earn points players either have to choose the right definition—or get someone to pick their answer. Players who can bluff someone in to choosing the wrong answer earn a bonus point.
The Fictionaire game series features 4 differently-themed card packs, each of which includes120 thought-provoking questions and is ingeniously packaged in a flip-top cigarette-like box. The flip-top design reveals only the question section of a card to the starting player who reads the question. The box is passed to other players who can slide the card out to reveal the real answer before creating their own bogus assertions.
The four packs in the series are Classic Fictionaire, which is closest to a classic dictionary game with rare, interesting, or provocative words, Tall Tales, which contains stories so strange they make the truth appear unbelievable, Fool Science, scientific wonders that could baffle the characters on The Big Bang Theory, and Naturals, surprising factoids about the natural world.
Each foil wrapped “cigarette pack” box includes several short and simple rules cards, 14 Point cards that are given to players when they score, and 60 double-sided question cards. The game series will be available to retailers in a counter-top display (there is no charge for the display itself) containing 20 packs, five each of the 4 differently-themed packs. The MSRP for each pack of 120 questions is $10.00.