Ryan Reynolds would like to star in both a Marvel-based Deadpool film for Fox and the Dark Horse-based R.I.P.D., but he doesn’t expect to be able to do both.  He thinks that both films will get made, but that he will probably be able to act in only one of them.  Reynolds has been linked to both Deadpool (see “Reynolds Loves Deadpool’s Subversive Script”) and R.I.P.D (see “Ryan Reynolds Gets Ripped”).


In an interview with the io9 Website Reynolds provided a very astute analysis of the entire developmental process from the actor’s point of view: “People sort of ask this question (which of the 2 movies are you going to do?), like I have any say in the matter. They're both movies I'm interested in.  They're both movies that are in fast-track development. But I never say I'm doing a movie until I break for lunch the first day. Because it's such a crapshoot, this industry.  Everything's so fickle and so contingent on so many factors, aside from just an actor. And because it has an actor, and because these films have interested directors, it's obviously likely that they both get made.  But I think it would be more likely that one of them gets made without me.”