In January Fantasy Flight Games is releasing a new edition of the Nexus Ops board game designed by Charlie Catino and originally published by Avalon Hill in 2005.  Nexus Ops (MSRP $59.95) is a board game of frenzied sci-fi battles and fantastic alien creatures in which two-to-four players control factions of corporate troops and strange life forms on an alien moon.  The players attempt to control the “Rubium” producing spaces on a randomly-built board made up of modular, hexagonal tiles.  Only by dispensing the precious Rubium and raising an army of indigenous beasts will a player be able to hold on to the valuable Rubium-producing regions.  With a modular map that changes every time and a host of different strategies to employ, no two games of Nexus Ops will ever be quite the same.
More Detailed Figures
FFG’s new edition of Nexus Ops contains a number of optional rules including “King of the Hill Mode,” the “Deadly Vortex,” plus a full set of alternate unit powers.  Other changes in this edition include the replacement of the original game's raised monolith platform with a flat monolith tile, which creates a more accessible board layout, and new more detailed figures fabricated from opaque plastic.
The Nexus Ops board game includes over 160 plastic figures, 17 detailed terrain tiles, nearly 100 tokens and markers, 90 cards, six dice, and a rulebook.