Hero Games plans to release Fantasy Hero, an exploration of the fantasy genre using the Hero System, this July. Like Champions for the superhero genre and Star Hero for the science fiction genre, Fantasy Hero will be a basic tool kit. The first SKU will be a $29.99 b/w trade paperback with cover by Storn Cook, which will include a thorough section on how to create different types of magic systems and enchanted items with the Hero System rules. Two other Fantasy Hero SKUs are planned for 03: The Fantasy Hero Grimoire will be released in September at $24.99, and Monsters, Minions, and Marauders is planned for October at $21.99. Three to four Fantasy Hero SKUs will be released in 04.
Five Champions releases are planned for 03. Millenium City, a campaign setting, is being released this month at $21.99. The UNTIL Superpowers Database, which contains descriptions and Hero System write-ups for dozens of superpowers for Champions campaigns, will be released next month at $24.99. Champions Battlegrounds, five adventures linked together by one over-arching plot, will be released in June at $21.99. VIPER, which covers bad guys and their weapons, etc., is planned for August at $21.99. And the UNTIL Sourcebook will cover the organization that investigates supercrimes for the United Nations, in a $21.99 December release.