Long-time fan-favorite card game Fluxx has been re-created in a board game version by publisher Looney Labs. Fluxx: The Board Game is scheduled to release on July 26th. ICv2 had an opportunity to chat with Amber Cook of Looney Labs at the recent ACD Games Day, who kindly described what the new game was all about.
"You are trying still to achieve goals, but rather than just the one goal that you have in your normal deck of Fluxx, you’re achieving anywhere between three and six goals," she explained. And you can do that now in one additional way: you’re normally drawing and playing cards in Fluxx, but now you’re going to be drawing, playing, and also moving your pawns around the board. You achieve a goal by the two icons that are on there, landing on those "keepers" with two of your three pawns. There are all kinds of crazy things that you can do. The board is actually a three-by-three grid of tiles, and you can uproot those tiles and put those around, so the board is always changing.”
The board game is playable by two to four players, ages eight and up, and takes about 15 to 30 minutes to play. The suggested retail price will be $30.
Fluxx: The Board Game is based on the original Fluxx card game, which has long been Looney Lab’s flagship title. Like the card game, the board game version features game rules that change during play. The Fluxx card game was the tenth best-selling card game in the summer of 2012 (see "Top 10 Card/Building Games--Summer 2012").
--William Niebling
--William Niebling