“It’s a sequel to our best-selling game, Get Bit. It’s a pirate theme, where the Captain’s going to kill all the people, and he’s just going to see who’s going to shove who off the plank. So, you’re playing cards, kinda like Robo Rally, where you’re playing cards in advance not knowing what you’re going to do. But the crew that you have, your three guys, are just stupid. If you play a charge card, and the only guy you can charge is your own guy, you’re pushing your own guy off the end. You’re attacking, but it’s an indirect attack, and it’s kinda goofy, so it’s a real fun, family game.”
Walk the Plank is the first published design by Shane Steely and Jarad Tinney. It has a suggested retail price of $20. It was funded through Kickstarter, gathering over $70,000 worth of pledged support.
Mayday Games has sold over 30,000 copies of Dave Chalker’s Get Bit, which earned a 2012 Origins Award for Best Family, Party, or Children’s game. Get Bit has been translated into six languages. See "2012 Annual Origins Award Winners."