Hasbro told investors at its annual Investors Day event this week that
Magic: The Gathering, described as one of the company’s two "franchise" game brands (the other is
Monopoly), has been growing at 35% per year over the last three years, according to a transcript published by
Seeking Alpha. By our calculations, that may be an acceleration from the growth rate reported at the Hasbro Investors Day in late 2011, when the company said that the brand had doubled since 2008 (see "
'Magic' Doubled Since 2008"). A 35% annual growth rate over three years would put sales at 2.5 times the original level after three years.
By early 2012, Hasbro was saying that the
Magic brand was "more than double" the size it was three years earlier, and revealed that the brand size was around $200 million (see "
'Magic' the ‘Largest Game Brand"). It’s unclear exactly when sales hit that level, but it is clear that 2013
Magic sales are going to be at least $270 million, and perhaps much more.
Hasbro said that there are about 12 million active
Magic players around the world, and that its new "player acquisition vehicle,"
Duels of the Planeswalkers, was doing well, implying a full pipeline of new players.