The program centers around encounters with the dreaded Borg, who are determined to assimilate everything in their path. This OP storyline play will be supported by an exclusive SKU, the Star Trek: Attack Wing--The Collective Tournament Brick, which will include five new Star Trek: Attack Wing ships unique to this product, and are not available for resale outside the OP events. Each Brick contains 10 blind ship packs, with a MSRP of $15.00 per booster. Brick orders are tied one to one with the number of OP Kits a store orders.
Each month will have its own organized play kit that will support up to 10 players, which contains three limited edition competitive prizes, 10 limited edition participation prizes, and five sets of limited edition map elements, as well as an instruction sheet. The Month 3 kit will also contain two limited edition grand prizes.
The OP Kit for Month 1 releases June 25th; Month 2 releases July 30th; and Month 3 on August 27th.