Atlas Games, Citizen Games, and Dungeoneer creator Thomas Denmark announced that they have finalized an agreement for Atlas Games to take over publication of Dungeoneer Collectible Card Game and its expansions and sequels.  Citizen Games, which originally published Dungeoneer, did not have the resources to exploit the potential of the CCG, which has generated considerable heat since its release.  Citizen Games President Scott Bagley noted, 'Citizen Games is not yet in a position to make the financial investments required...' to make Dungeoneer a full-fledged success.  The game's creator, Thomas Denmark, was pleased with the change, saying: 'I'm very happy with the decision to transfer the rights to Atlas Games.  I'm working overtime to make the Second Edition and the expansion the best possible Dungeoneer.'


Atlas Games will release the Second Edition of the original Dungeoneer set, The Tomb of the Lich Lord, in October.  In November Atlas will follow up with the eagerly awaited expansion-sequel, Vault of the Fiends.