Decipher is planning to use a second series of five 'book' cards featuring characters created for its Lord of the Rings collectible card game by the Weta Workshop but not included in Peter Jackson's LOTR Trilogy in a special retail promotion. During the five-week Weta Collection retail promotion this summer, players and collectors will be able to receive these five cards exclusively through their local hobby games retailer. Players will receive a card for every $10 (or 10 euro equivalent) of The Lord of the Rings TCG they purchase. A different card will be available for each week of the 5-week promotion.
Decipher introduced the first four 'book' cards from Weta through the Countdown Collection promotion and as foil versions in the LOTR TCG set Reflections, which comes out on May 12 (see 'Weta Workshop to Create Images for LOTR CCG'). The first four cards include Tom Bombadil, Goldberry, Radagast the Brown, and Glorfindel. The second series of five cards, which will be used in this summer's promotion, includes Anarion, Tom Bombadil's Hat, Radagast's Staff, Ghan-buri-Ghan and the Troll of the Deeps. All the Weta 'book' cards will be fully playable and will be tournament legal seven days after their release.
Retailers will benefit from this promotion by receiving special pricing on LOTR game products released since November 2003, as well as special tutorial CDs to hand out free to perspective customers. Authorized Decipher distributors worldwide will be solicited for this promotion and retailers will purchase the promotion kits through the distributors. The promotion will begin on July 19, 2004. Decipher will release more information on this promotion during the next few weeks.