Bandai has acquired the rights to produce a CCG based on the Teen Titans animated show currently bringing in big ratings on Cartoon Network and the WB; the first release is planned for a December/January time frame. Bandai has already been working on the game for some time, and is designing it to appeal to the same broad demographic to which the show appeals. We talked to Danny Satyapan, Marketing Manager--Bandai Collectible Games about Bandai's plans for the Teen Titans CCG and its other collectible game launches this year -- Nadia Dratp CMG, Digimon CMG, and Gundam War CCG.
In what channels will Bandai's new games be distributed? Specifically, we're wondering whether all of them will hit mass merchants, or just some of them?
Navia Dratp--Unlike with any product Bandai America's ever released, Navia Dratp, due to the nature of the property and the game, will see the overwhelming majority of presence in the hobby market. Our strategy is to have this product circulate in hobby for at least six months before and if it does eventually reach the mass retailers. Even if it does reach mass retailers, the hobby market will always be ahead of the game with new expansions months in stores months before the mass market gets them. In addition, promotional figures for organized play support will only be available through hobby channels.
Digimon CCG--Digimon will be available at both mass and hobby markets. The brand has such a great appeal to both sectors that we think this release will do well in both. Of course, organized play support and promotional prizing will continue to be the exclusive domain of the hobby market. This is the second time around for Digimon, but with excellent support from a completely new Bandai team of sales, marketing and R&D that have a thorough understanding of what it takes to drive the CCG business for all markets.
Gundam War CCG--We've have pushed back the release date of the Gundam CCG to November. We want to be completely sure that the design and gameplay exceed all expectations and this extra time will help with that. The game is our #2 CCG in Japan and we are looking to keep the integrity of the game system that has been so popular there for over 3 years. The card designs will be revamped to look even cooler.
Teen Titans CCG--This is hot off the presses. We've been granted the license for the Teen Titans CCG! This is for the TV animated property that has been garnered stellar ratings on both Kids WB and Cartoon Network. We've found that fans of this property encompass all ages since the animation and storylines are so compelling. We've been working on it behind the scenes for a while in anticipation and we're looking to release the game this December/January of this year. More info to come.
Can you give us some additional info about any organized play programs? Will you be beginning a new program or using one that's already in place?
I'm very excited about the Organized Play Program. It's been my project for the last half year. We're in the building stages right now, which involve a great deal of software work. The system should be operable within the next two months. In the meantime, we're still doing grass-roots convention outreach to sign up players as Game Organizers for when these properties do hit. We have a very aggressive convention schedule that includes PMX Anime Convention, Origins, Anime Expo, Comic Con, Gen-Con Indy, Gen-Con Anaheim. Next year will only be bigger as I'd like to hold some of the regional events at the Wizard World Conventions.
Will you be running organized play for all three games, or just some of them?
Navia Dratp, Digimon, Gundam War and Teen Titans will all have Organized Play support.
Is there organized play for Jagun fighters?
Jagun Fighters will not have Organized Play support as this is one of the brands that we have decided to not move forward with.
Did Bandai previously distribute any Gundam CCG products, or are the ones scheduled for August the first?
Three years ago, we released the Gundam MS War CCG, but we only released to the mass and we didn't have any marketing support in terms of organized play, etc to make it successful. This time around, as I've mentioned, we've analyzed every part of our CCG business to ensure that our distribution, marketing support, game play and design is running on all cylinders.
How do you rank the sales prospects of the launches based on orders you've seen so far?
Navia Dratp and Digimon have gotten a tremendous response. We'll have to wait on Gundam since we moved it back but I think we'll see the same. Teen Titans will be a great one. The fan base for this property is so huge as the TV ratings and toy sales can verify. There is no question that our division will bring that success to the CCG.
Any other info that might be useful for retailers preparing to sell these games?