Bob Cosner of Bob's Baseball Cards, Comics & Games in Des Moines, Iowa saw the comments by Pat Fuge of Gnome Games (see 'Pat Fuge of Gnome Games on Upper Deck Channel Issues') and the ICv2 interview with Cory Jones of Upper Deck (see 'Interview with Upper Deck's Cory Jones, Part 1'), and agrees with Fuge that the sale of tournament packs at Wal-Mart is not what Jones said Upper Deck would do:
Great article Pat.  When people that are uneducated about sports cards ask me a question, I could tell them anything.  They would believe it because they don't know any better and I am perceived as the expert; however, when you have that power, you have the responsibility to do the right thing.  Mr. Jones must have thought only non-hobby storeowners and non-Wal-Mart shoppers were going to read the interview. 

Upper Deck Entertainment has crapped in my lunch box one too many times.  Upper Deck tells us that we are not supposed to sell the tournament packs, even though we buy them, because they are to be given away to tournament participants.  I agree.  Now they are available at Wal-Mart?  For purchase?  By anyone?  By people that don't participate in tournaments?  Very nice. 

I think Pat's comment 'another case of UDE withholding information in a desperate effort to get the last dollar out of the hobby market' is a correct statement.  Our Yu-Gi-Oh! participation has dropped to a few players on one day a week.  Other stores in town are having the same decrease.  It is a dying game, and as Pat said, it is time to move on to something else with a company that actually cares about its hobby store community.  We will soon no longer be playing Yu-Gi-Oh! at Bob's and we will be selling the remaining tournament packs.
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