Green Ronin Publishing is set to launch its first d20 superhero role-playing game in 2002. The game, which is entitled Mutants & Masterminds, is the first serious attempt at a d20 superhero RPG. Steve Kenson, who worked on both the Shadowrun RPG and novels for FASA as well as Champions, Marvel Superhero, and DC Universe RPGS, brings his considerable experience to the creation of Mutants & Masterminds. In designing this new game, Kenson managed to streamline the mechanics of the d20 system to create a fast and simple playing system for Mutants & Masterminds.
The key element in the new game is a 'modular power-creation system,' which allows players to design any sort of super-power they want. The game provides the players with the means to design their own superheroes, not instructions on how to play with characters created by someone else. Of course there are no rules against creating superheroes with similar powers to the spandex-wearing heroes of your favorite comic.