The computer-animated cartoon series with the title that conjures up images of pale pimply posteriors is set to debut on the Nickelodeon Network in November and Hasbro is ready to release a wide array of B.U.M. toys ranging from deluxe action figures and their color coordinated Space Cycles to lots of different PVC collectible figurines.  The collective brainpower of all three of the alien miscreants in this series is equal to about half a Homer Simpson, but kids seem to like them anyway.  The moronic alien trio with the unlikely outer space monickers of Do-Wah-Diddy, B.Bop-A-Lula, and 2-Fru-T are supposed to be conquering Earth, but with the help of a young human who hides them, they learn to appreciate the simple pleasures of eating hamburgers and watching TV cartoons.  But problems, like how to demonstrate their successful conquest to their leader, the dictatorial Emperor Bog, continually confound the trio of invaders leading to humorous complications.


This series, which in spite of the four-letter word in the title, is actually aimed a fairly young audience, has been a 'hit' in the U.K.  Hasbro, which has been leery of getting too involved in licensed products since being scorched by its expensive Star Wars license (see 'Hasbro Results'), is stepping up to the plate big time for the Butt-Ugly Martians.  Hasbro thinks its little green men have the sales potential of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  Unlikely, but time will tell.  First the series has to become a hit on Nickelodeon, where it faces competition from similar (but cleverer) shows like Invader Zim (see 'Two Toons Debut With Merchandising Potential').