Ang Lee's Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, which over the past weekend became the first foreign language film to reach $100 million in domestic box office, will come out on DVD in June. The DVD will benefit from an anamorphic widescreen transfer of the film as well as 5.1 Dolby Digital and Dolby Surround audio tracks. Columbia Tristar, which is releasing the film on video, has not announced any additional features, though they do promise to add many 'bells and whistles' that should appeal to collectors.
The extraordinary artistic and popular success of the film has led to ten Academy Award nominations for Crouching Tiger. Director Ang Lee, who is working on the Marvel Hulk film (see 'Crouching Behemoth, Hidden Hero'), recently won the Director's Guild Award for best director. Since 1950 only four directors who won the DGA award failed to win the Oscar for best direction. A few Academy Awards can extend the remarkably long run of Crouching Tiger, which still remains in the weekly top ten box office lists some fourteen weeks after it was released.
Until the DVD release the top Crouching Tiger merchandise available to specialty retailers is the illustrated screenplay, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: A Portrait of the Ang Lee Film (see 'Crouching Tiger, the Book'). Later this year Art Asylum will be releasing a series of action figures in conjunction with a graphic novel that Image is publishing (see 'Crouching Tiger Figures and Graphic Novel Due in October'). No word yet on whether they're going to try to move up the release dates of the figures and graphic novel, which were originally envisioned as coming out at the same time as the DVD when it was scheduled to be released in the fall.