Elena Satine, who appears as Judi Silver in the Starz series Magic City, has been chosen to play Missy Hume, a powerful Madame who runs the town of Brimstone in NBC’s adaptation of The Sixth Gun. Hume has managed to keep an incredibly youthful appearance through the years because she is in possession of the Fifth Gun in this supernatural western about six guns that are endowed with magical powers. Cold and calculating, Hume is determined to acquire all six of the guns in this TV adaptation of the Oni Comic book written by Cullen Bunn and illustrated by Brian Hurtt.
Deadline broke the story that the gorgeous, Russian-born Satine was joining a cast that also includes Laura Ramsey, who will play the innocent Becky Moncrief, as well as W. Earl Brown, Graham McTavish, and Aldis Hodge (see "'The Sixth Gun' Cast").