Disney Consumer Products is rolling out expanded licensing programs for Marvel film and TV characters, with a scale and degree of integration that represents a new level for the company’s brands.  Avengers: Age of Ultron licensing will focus on individual characters as well as on the team, allowing for a much broader range of products, according to Variety.

Major retailers will each control brand awareness advertising, social media, digital, in-store and in-theater advertising in ways that keep them from doubling up with the same types of campaigns that could overload consumers.

Marvel foods are being expanded, including offerings from Sage Fruit, Conagra granola bars, Crunchpak and Chobani.

Housewares are another new category of emphasis, according to License.  Select Brands is producing an Avengers waffle maker that produces waffles displaying Thor’s hammer, Cap’s shield, Iron Man’s helmet, and Hulk’s fist.  Other products in the category will include toasters, and single-serve coffee makers; and Robe Factory is planning an Iron Man mini-fridge.

Last year Avengers and Spider-Man each generated around $1 billion in retail sales, and both are expected to grow substantially this year, with Spider-Man getting new life now that there’s a deal to put the character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (see "Spider-Man to Join Marvel Cinematic Universe").

A different tack is being taken for the Netflix series, starting with Daredevil.  A Marvel Knights merchandise program directed at teens and adults will be offered for each, focusing on products to be sold in collector stores or specialty retailers such as Hot Topic.