Epic is a fast paced, fantasy combat card game designed by Rob Dougherty and Darwin Kastle. It has elements of Ascension and Star Realms, Dougherty shared with ICv2 at GTS earlier this year (see “Rob Dougherty's 'Epic Card Game' and New 'Star Realms' Deck”). A single box can support 2- 4 players for sealed, draft or constructed play, or an additional set can be added to support up to 8 players. MSRP is $15.00.
There is a retailer level for 10 copies of the game and 'year one' promos, available before trade release, as well as demo materials and a prerelease tournament kit. Backer fulfillment is planned for September, with trade release to follow.The Kickstarter campaign reached its $50,000 goal in less than 12 hours, and has raised $118,081 from $2,922 backers ($40.41/backer average) as of this writing, and will continue until June 30.