Pinnacle Entertainment Group has revealed the first four titles for its licensed version of the classic role-playing game Rifts, designed for PEG’s Savage Worlds game.  The Tomorrow Legion Player’s Guide, the Game Master’s Handbook, Savage Foes of North America, and The Garnet Town Gambit and Game Master Screen are all expected to release this November.

Pinnacle announced the license for a Savage Worlds version of Palladium Books’ long-running Rifts game setting last year (see “‘Savage Worlds’ Adapting ‘Rifts’”), allowing players to use the multi-genre Savage Worlds system to play games set in Rifts uniquely multi-genre world, which is itself a mash-up of horror, sci-fi, and fantasy settings.

The initial offering for Savage Worlds Rifts will include four books:

The Tomorrow Legion Player’s Guide is the core book for the setting, with “Iconic Frameworks” for creating characters in the Rifts setting, background information on the world and the Tomorrow Legion, a group trying to create a better world in the ruins of North America, and equipment, magic, and villians for the characters to confront.

The Game Master’s Handbook includes material intended for the GM, with more details on the Rifts version of Earth and the Tomorrow Legion, an adventure generator system, and rules specific to the Rifts setting.

Savage Foes of North America presents rivals and opponents for the players, including the Coalition, the Federation of Magic, and the Pecos Empire, as well as more monsters and enemies and random creature creation tables.

The fourth title will be a 32-page adventure module called The Garnet Town Gambit, which includes a landscape-format game master’s screen.

All books except The Garnet Town Gambit will be produced in both softcover and limited edition hardcover versions.  PDF versions of all four books will also be available.

Players will need a copy of the Savage Worlds rulebook in order to play the Rifts version of the game.

Pinnacle is presenting all four books together in a Kickstarter campaign, which soared past the $160,000 mark on its second day.  The campaign includes a retailer-only support package.