The aptly-named Bestiary 6 will be the sixth book of monsters for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game when it releases in March 2017.
Like the earlier books in this series, Bestiary 6 features two hundred monsters for use with Pathfinder. Included in this book are mythological creatures such as the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the Wild Hunt, the archdevil Mephistopheles, and Krampus, as well as heavenly dragons, living statues, and intelligent oozes. There are challenges suitable for any level of Pathfinder campaign, including both foes to fight and more benign creatures to interact with in other ways.
In addition, part of the book describes new playable character races and new animal companions to accompany heroes on their adventures, and new monster templates that can be combined with monsters from earlier books.
Bestiary 6 will be a 320-page hardcover book. MSRP is $44.99.
The fifth book, Bestiary 5, was released late in 2015 (see “More Mind-Warping Monsters Invade ‘Pathfinder’ RPG”).