Sherlock Holmes: The Dark Detective is a new collection of the Australian newsstand series from Black House Comics. The series is written by Christopher Sequeira, with art by Philip Cornell and cover art by Dave Elsey. Sequeira describes it as "Hammer Horror meets Holmes." The 120-page graphic novel has an MSRP of $19.99.
Squalor is the first ever collection of the 1989 First Comics miniseries by Stefan Petrucha (X-Files, Nancy Drew) and Tom Sutton (Star Trek, House of Mystery), with colors by Paul Mounts. Sqalor uses the concept of "A-Time," your own neighborhood without linear time, which Petrucha also used in his Time Tripper novels. The 120-page trade paperback has an MSRP of $19.99.Caliber will also release Mythos: Lovecraft’s Worlds by Brandon Barrows and Hugo Petrus; Boy Zero by Charles Chester and Shiloh Penfield; and Salt by Danny Boyd, Gary Scott Beatty, and Predrag Ivanovic.
Caliber announced a shift in direction to new original work in August (see “Caliber Comics To Offer Collections in 'Previews'”).
(See five covers in the gallery below.)