Inspired by the three-season flash animation series Gotham Girls and the subsequent DC Comics comic book miniseries written by Paul Storrie, Harley Quinn and the Gotham Girls will include more female characters from the DCU than any other set released to date. In addition to Harley, classic characters like Wonder Woman, retro DC Bombshell characters, and other Suicide Squad fixtures will feature in the 60-figure set.
DC Comics HeroClix: Harley Quinn and the Gotham Girls will be available in MSRP $12.99 Boosters and MSRP $16.99 Fast Forces sets. The Fast Forces pack, designed to help players quickly create a new team, will include Harley Quinn, The Joker, Batgirl, Robin, Batman, and a GCPD Officer.
In addition, WizKids will offer the Harley Quinn and the Gotham Girls Dice & Token Pack, which includes two custom dice with the DC Bombshells bomb icon and six action tokens with images of the Bombshells. MSRP is $9.99.
To support the release, WizKids is also offering a Harley Quinn and the Gotham Girls Release Day Organized Play Kit, which includes three exclusive limited edition HeroClix figures with matching character cards and five double-side HeroClix maps, and instructions for stores running release day events.
DC’s iconic Wonder Woman will be the focus of her own HeroClix set releasing in May (see “Wonder Woman Headlines Her Own ‘HeroClix’ Set”).