Series 10 begins the Unison Warrior Series which features powerful allies that players can summon to fight with their leader. This set includes the a new card type, the Unison cards, which allows a second leader card in battle. Several new characters will make their Dragon Ball Super: Card Game debut, and this set contains cards that power up both the new and old leaders.
The rarity breakdown for Series 10 consists of 60 commons, 38 uncommons, 30 rares, 23 SR, 10 SPR, and 3 SCR. Booster packs contain 12 cards, come in display boxes of 24 packs, and will retail for $3.99.
For the first time, Bandai will be releasing three starter decks at the launch of Series 10: a Blue deck, a Black deck, and a Green deck. These starters are themed and come with 51 cards, a play sheet, and a rulebook. They will retail for $9.99.
Bandai also unveiled Draft Box 5 and Expansion Set 11 & 12 for Dragon Ball Super: Card Game (see "Bandai Unveils New Products For 'Dragon Ball Super: Card Game'").
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