Luma Imports will release Poisons, a bluffing card game by Ankama Studios, for release into U.S. retail for Q4.

Poisons is a quick-to-play bluffing card game where players secretly spike the other players' drink cards to earn points. Players have to determine whether or not their drink was filled with a random liquid or a deadly poison before they take drink. Those who avoid the contents of the cup gain the bare minimum in points and those who take the risk will either get more points or zero points if the cup is dosed with a poison card. The game ends after four rounds, and the player with the most points wins.  

The game box comes with 132 cards and 66 tokens. This game is for three to eight players, ages 8 and up, plays in 15 minutes, and will retail for $24.99.

Luma Imports also announced Dream Runners for release into U.S. trade in Q3 (see "Luma Imports Unveils 'Dream Runners' For U.S. Trade").