West of Sundown is a western horror series written by Tim Seeley and Aaron Campbell, with art by Jim Terry, coloring by Triona Farrell, and lettering by Crank! The first issue will go on sale on April 6.
“WEST OF SUNDOWN is about the great mythologies of the old world slamming into the folklore of the new world...the legends of Europe, and the birth of the American beast," Seeley in a statement accompanying the announcement. "And, taking that theme as a skeleton, we've draped it with the sewed together skin of Sergio Leone Westerns and Hammer Horror films. Gritty sunsets meets foggy nights. The gothic graveyard meets Boot Hill. What horrors lie in our shared unconsciousness, and how do we stuff them all into a too-tight corset?”
Vault recently got an infusion of capital (see “Vault Comics a Boost from Investors”).
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