The two men entered the store at about 4 p.m. on Sunday, September 18, while Schwartz was working alone. They asked him to get something from a high shelf, then knocked him off the ladder, beat him, and tied him up. One of them flashed a knife. “He put it to my face and said if you want to live and I just nodded my head,” Schwartz said in the interview. The men stuffed about $16,000 worth of merchandise into duffle bags and fled. A neighbor saw the men running away and called police, which may have saved Schwartz’s life. “People in this neighborhood do look out for each other and I've had so many people that have called me and checked on me, and it's been wonderful,” he said in the interview.

Retailer Is Back at Work After Robbery
Posted by Brigid Alverson on September 29, 2022 @ 6:04 pm CT

Police in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, are searching for two suspects in the September 18 robbery of Comic Collection in the town of Feasterville (see “Two Comic Shops Robbed This Week”). CBS Philadelphia has posted the security video of the event as well as an interview with the owner, Dave Schwartz, who is back at work and grateful to his community for their response.
Baltazar Is First Appointee to New Advisory Board
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In Standard and Deluxe Editions (with Soil from Grave of William Blake)
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The Mandrake Project: Year One in Standard and Deluxe Editions (the Deluxe Edition printed with soil from the grave of William Blake mixed in the ink).
With New Token Set
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New Set Helps Support Earth Day
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