This adventure anthology takes place in the wake of the Drift Crisis, where investigators working for the Eyeswide Agency are busy tracking down missing persons, finding lost property, and solving other mysteries. The anthology includes three adventures: "Charmed Life," "Family Heirloom," and "Twisted Business."
In "Charmed Life," players search for Kym Testa, a missing influencer who disappeared in the Drift Crash. "Family Heirloom" sends investigators looking for a shirren refugee's cursed artifact known as The Heretic Worm. Finally, in "Twisted Business," an android is framed for murder and the investigators need to find evidence that proves their innocence as well as catch the real killer.
Starfinder Adventure: Drift Crisis Case Files will retail for $24.99.
Paizo, Inc.also announced Starfinder RPG: Ports of Call, a new rulebook (see "'Starfinder RPG: Ports of Call'").