The set features a new lineup of Digimon subspecies, including the debut of [GreyKnightsmon] and also includes the Omnimon-derived [Omnimon Alter-S]. This set also contains cards that power up [Gallantmon], [Sakuyamon], and [MegaGargomon] decks. The rarity break down for this set is as follows: 26 commons, 20 uncommons, 18 rares, 8 super rares, and 2 secret rares. Displays also come with a Box Topper pack that includes 1 of 7 EX04 Alternate Art cards or a Special Secret Rare Alternate Design Reprint.
Bandai also unveiled Dimension Phase, a new Digimon CG booster set, for release into retail (see "'Digimon CG: Dimension Phase' Booster Set").