Wild Cards is a line of novels, graphic novels, and short stories, created by Martin and Snodgrass, in which humans are infected with a virus that, if it doesn’t kill them, either gives them superpowers or causes bizarre mutations. Marvel announced last year that it was adapting one of the stories directly into comics (see “Marvel to Adapt ‘Wild Cards’ into Comics”), and a television adaptation is also in the works (see “‘Wild Cards’ to Peacock”).

Two Tales of Mutants and Superheroes
Posted by Brigid Alverson on April 7, 2023 @ 3:26 pm CT

Bantam Books will publish two original graphic novels set in the world of George R.R. Martin’s Wild Cards this year. The first is George R. R. Martin Presents Wild Cards: Now & Then, by writer Carrie Vaughn and artist Renae De Liz. The story follows two superheroes, Ana Cortez/Earth Witch and Kate Brandt/Curveball, who exposed abuses in a Brazilian charity a year ago and are now finding that the situation is more complex than it first seemed. Now & Then will be published as a 160-page hardcover on July 25, 2023, with an MSRP of $28.99.
A second graphic novel is also in the works: George R. R. Martin presents Wild Cards: Sins of the Father, by writer Melinda Snodgrass and artists Michael Komarck and Elizabeth Leggett, features a second-generation detective uncovering some dark secrets from the past. Snodgrass is the co-creator of the Wild Card series; Komarck is a Hugo-nominated illustrator who has done cover art for a number of Martin’s books; and Leggett has won two Hugo awards for fan art and is also a professional cover artist. Sins of the Father will be published on October 3, 2023, as a 160-page hardcover with an MSRP of $28.99.
Including Diamond Comic Distributors, Alliance Game Distributors, Diamond Select, and CGA
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And Plans to Invest in Cryptocurrency
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Features Mocking Spongebob Art from New Counterspell Card
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heo Group revealed a Secret Lair X Spongebob Squaroes deck box, which is now available for order from distribution.