Fantagraphics Books is reprinting the trade paperback edition of Joe Sacco’s Palestine, and the publisher told ICv2 that a new edition is planned for fall of 2024.
"Fantagraphics is currently reprinting the... paperback of Palestine by Joe Sacco, which will be in stores in early 2024," Fantagraphics VP and Associate Publisher Eric Reynolds told ICv2. "In the fall season we will be releasing a new hardcover edition of the book, with an essay by Israeli journalist Amira Hass. The new edition will have updated trade dress but be otherwise unchanged, and will still include the foreword by the late great Edward Said."
Demand for the book soared, and the publisher’s existing stocks of the graphic novel sold out, after Hamas attacked Israel on October 7 and Israel responded with a bombing campaign and invasion in the Gaza Strip, The Guardian reported,
The book chronicles Sacco’s experiences in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, in December 1991 and January 1992. Fantagraphics originally published it as nine single-issue comics in 1993-95. In 1996 they collected the issues in a two-volume edition, which won the American Book Award that year. The single-volume edition was released in 2001 (see “Fantagraphics Presents Strong Line at BEA”).

After Sales Surge
Posted by Brigid Alverson on December 11, 2023 @ 4:25 pm CT

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