Hachette Boardgames will release Mythical Dice, a new dice game by Iello, into retail on May 21, 2025.

In this trick-taking game, designed by Manfred Reindl and Wanjin Gill, players are trying to become labyrinth champion.  They will try to take dice roll tricks over the course of six to eight rounds of play.  There are seven types of dice, including minotaurs, griffins, mermaids and four types of numerical dice, of which they will draw out of a bag when the round begins.  They will then use the dice to bid on how many tricks they think they can win during a round.  The player that bids right in a round, wins the round, and the player who wins the most rounds wins the game.

The game is for three to six players, ages 8 and up, and plays in 30 minutes.

Hachette Boardgames recently revealed Cyclades: Legendary Edition, a new edition of the city-building board game by Bruno Cathala, Ludovic Maublanc, and Studio H (see "'Cyclades: Legendary Edition'").

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