The newest batch of information on this set did a great deal to heighten fan enthusiasm around its upcoming release. First and foremost, how about that Ugin, Eye of the Storms card? The "power creep" since the pandemic has been pretty real for low casting cost cards, but this Ugin card really gives higher casting cost cards an incredible boost. Completely ignoring its planeswalker uptick and downtick abilities, this card's static abilities that allow it to exile cards are absolutely off-the-chain. This card is an auto-include in Modern format Tron decks and most Commander decks and will likely see play in the other formats.
Now, if Ugin wasn't a powerful enough planeswalker for EDH fans, Elspeth, Storm Slayer is also pretty good. This planeswalker is basically a white Doubling Season that makes its own tokens and has a removal ability. On top of all that, Craterhoof Benemoth has been reprinted in this set and will be Standard legal. These cards should do a lot to sell the set. The card treatments in the set were also pretty flashy. The basic lands will have a Dragon Eye treatment featuring the different mana color symbols in the center of a dragon's eye. There are also three foil treatments: a Halo Ghostfire treatment, a Ghostfire treatment, and a Dragonscale treatment. These are available in Collector Booster packs.And, last but not least, the enemy-colored Fetch Lands will be making a Special Guest appearance in this set. They will be available with two different full-art depictions and come in a Dragonscale treatment. The Ultimatums will also be featured as Special Guests in this set.
Check out ICv2's 2025 Magic: The Gathering product calendar for more information on future releases (see "‘Magic: The Gathering’ 2025 Release Calendar").
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