Faith #1
Publisher: Valiant Entertainment
Release Date: January 27, 2016
Cover Price: $3.99
Writer: Jody Houser
Artists: Francis Portela and Marguerite Sauvage
Cover: Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic
Format: 32-pages, Full-Color
Rating: T+

Orphaned at a young age, Faith Herbert – a psionically gifted “psiot” discovered by the Harbinger Foundation – has always aspired to greatness. But now this once-ordinary teenager is taking control of her destiny and becoming the hard-hitting hero she’s always known she can be – complete with a mild-mannered secret identity, unsuspecting colleagues, and a day job as a reporter that routinely throws her into harm's way! Well, at least she thought it would… When she’s not typing up listicles about cat videos, Faith makes a secret transformation to patrol the night as the City of Angels’ own leading superhero – the sky-soaring Zephyr!

But flying solo is going to be tougher than she ever thought when Zephyr uncovers a deep-rooted alien conspiracy. Two-bit burglars and car thieves are one thing, but when the world needs a hero to stave off a full-blown extraterrestrial invasion, will Faith find herself in over her head…or ready for her biggest challenge yet?

Cover A by Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic, Cover B by Marguerite Sauvage, Variant X CGC Replica Variant by Clayton Henry, Variant by Kano, Variant cover by Colleen Coover, and blank cover also available.

Description of preview: 10 total pages (5 cover and 5 interior pages).