Mega Robo Bros. TP
Publisher: Scholastic Inc.
Release Date: March 27, 2018
Price: $8.99
Creator: Neill Cameron
Format: 96 pgs., Full-Color, 6"x9", Trade paperback
ISBN: 978-1-3381-8595-9
Age Rating: 8-12
ICv2 Rating: 4 Stars out of 5
In a near future London where robots have become commonplace, two robot brothers named Alex and Freddy live fairly ordinary lives with their human parents, fighting and going to school just like ordinary kids. They also like having fun using their incredible robot powers and are always looking for any excuse to use them, though they find it’s not much fun when they have to use those powers to stop an evil robot mind which is controlling machines.
Alex and Freddy aren’t the typical sort of "perfect boy heroes" that you would expect to find in this sort of story. They’re a lot more like regular human kids, with all of the unearned confidence and self-esteem which comes with being a kid. And while they frequently mess up or make bad choices, the brothers do have good hearts and really do try to get things right.
While kids are sure to love all of the robots, action and adventure, they will also appreciate the way it’s all been grounded in realistic relationships and a family life most kids with find familiar. Because, as much fun as all of the robot battles are, Neill Cameron’s work is at its best when dealing with relatable slice of life situations, like the boys going on school trip or to the grocery store with their dad. Fun, funny and solidly drawn, Mega Robo Bros. is a genuine treat for anyone who likes a good story.
--Steve Bennett: Writer and retail services consultant.

ICv2 Stars: 4 (out of 5)
Posted by Steve Bennett on February 23, 2018 @ 4:52 pm CT

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