Fear Agent is written by Rick Remember (Black Science, Seven to Eternity) and illustrated by Tony Moore (The Walking Dead) and Jerome Opena (Seven to Eternity). The critically-acclaimed series, which ran for 32 issues, launched in 2005 at Image Comics and moved to Dark Horse a year later (see “'Fear Agent' Defects to Dark Horse”). The story, which harkens back to 1950s sci-fi, is centered on Heath Huston, an alcoholic spacefaring Texan who happens to be the galaxy’s last hope.
Pinnacle Entertainment Group released a Savage Worlds roleplaying game set in the Fear Agent universe in late 2017 (see “Pinnacle Announces Dark Horse Rpg 'Double Feature'”). The Kickstarter for the game met its funding goal within 24 hours of going live. In 2009, Universal had the property in the early development stages for a film adaptation (see “'Fear Agent' in 'Early Development'”).